Wednesday, 10 November 2010

The more accurate theory of evolution?

In case I'm too boring...

Darwin's theory of evolution isn't fully supported by geological history, and an earlier theory was, in fact, a more accurate one, a U.S. researcher writes.

Thus begins the UPI article 'Author: Darwin wasn't first with evolution'. The brief article describes the opinion of geologist Michael Rampino. He suggests that Patrick Matthew's theory of evolution, which involved geological catastrophies followed by rapid evolution, may be better supported by the geological record than the gradual theory of evolution generally thought of as Darwinism.

The article presents this as news, however almost every substantial work I've read on the subject of evolution/creation has included the possibility of catastrophe and rapid change to explain the lack of evidence in the fossil record. Evidence of catastrophe would fit well with the Biblical world view, explained by the Genesis flood. Presumably the rapid change would leave little or no transitional evidence to be found, which can be explained by completed creation.

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