Thursday, 10 July 2008

AiG and CR DVD

In case I'm too boring...

Otherwise, keep reading.

Pet Hate: Noise

Pet Love: Getting things done
Subject of Admiration: My sister

My older sister forwarded this. It's from the Above Rubies Newsletter.


From Michaela T.

Calling all Beautiful Warriors!

Prepare to do battle for the Lord in 2009!

"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds." 1 Corinthians 10: 3-4 (NIV)

Sisters, I call on you to join me in battle against the powers of darkness on a very significant issue for 2009 - the battle for science: creation vs. evolution. In 2009 the world will be celebrating the Bicentenary of the birth of Charles Darwin. Darwin began the modern theory of evolution, which has changed the face of science from godly to almost totally atheist and has impacted every area of modern life - for instance abortions are often defended from an evolutionary standpoint. Unfortunately, even the church has been affected by the lies of evolution, to the point where many Christians have been deceived into believing that the Bible account is compatible with evolution. The reality is that actually, we have a logical, fact based faith - evolution is an illogical lie based faith. For instance - did you know that the Bible tells us that even the stones will cry out God's praises (Luke 19:40) and this is true!! The fossils and rocks support the Bible account of creation and the flood.

Peter warns us that in the end days people will deliberately forget the creation and the flood (2 Peter 3: 5) but he also exhorts us that we should always be, "ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account of the hope that is in you" 1 Peter 3: 15 (NASB) and I like the way the amplified Bible puts it, "Always be ready to give a logical defense". Sisters - are you and your family ready to give a logical defense for your faith? Are you ready to seize the opportunities next year when evolution and Darwin come up in conversation? Please do prepare yourselves both by finding out the facts and also praying for opportunities - not just for you and your family, but for our Godly scientists who will defend the Bible account on the news and in the papers and periodicals etc. Pray for open hearts amongst unbelievers that they would have God's power within creation revealed to them and above all pray that Christians would renounce theistic evolution and defend the Biblical account of creation.

Two Christian organizations who specialize in the defense of creation - Answers in Genesis and Creation Research, are getting together to make a DVD in time to release next year. This is a unique opportunity and will involve filming in the UK, Australia and around the world. It will go beyond just presenting evidence that evolution is false science. It will proclaim the truth of Christ as Creator, Judge and Savior, whom Darwin and his mentors willingly abandoned in favor of a theory that has led many to worship the creation and justify un-Godly behavior such as abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality and the Holocaust. There is much exciting evidence to present, and they need your prayers and support for this project.

Visit or for information that will help you to prepare your logical defense and more ideas for supporting these organizations.

It may seem impossible to remove the evolutionary stronghold of Satan, but remember Jesus told us, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26. We have an excellent opportunity next year - let us make the most of it and put Jesus back in His rightful place, acknowledged as creator of the world - in just 6 days - praise God! I pray that you will pray and speak and give/ support as God leads you and your family to do and together in God's power, we will prevail! Amen.

Michaela Turpin (35) married to James (31) with 4 blessings - Daniel (10), Esme (8), Grace (3) and Naomi (6 months).

This is all for this mini-mag.
Watch out for your new magazine.

Have a wonderful day with your family.


PO Box 681687, Franklin, TN 37068-1687, U.S.A.

Disclaimer: I cannot be held accountable for the views presented in the above newsletter.

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Reading Disclaimer

Although I am a creationist, I do not support every opinion offered by those purporting to be creationists. The only way to know my opinion, is to hear me speak.

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